News & Events


Congratulations to Bruno and Steve who passed their Shodan (1st DAN) at the recent National Training Course & Dan Grading in Abergavenny on 22nd February - well done to both of them!

Congratulations Bruno and Steve 22.02.25

Congratulations Abigail, Darren & Ania 18.11.2023

Congratulations to Abigail, Darren and Ania who represented the club at the JKA UK South West Championship. They all competed in both Kumite and Kata and between them won one gold, two silver and three bronze medals!

Congratulations Mark & Ania  26.06.2022

Left to Right - Miron Wozniak, Mark Wozniak, Ania Hill, Sensei Morgan, Sensei Johnson & Ella Wozniak.

Congratulations to Mark Wozniak and Ania Hill who passed their Nidan (2nd DAN) at the recent National Training Course & Dan Grading under Sensei Ohta 7th Dan JKA England Chief Instructor at Abergavenny on 26rd June, an excellent result for them both!

Mark with Sensei Ohta

Grading Success      19.02.2022

A Regional Training Course & Kyu Grading was held on Saturday 19th February at the IBM Centre Hursley. Training and grading was carried out by Sensei Giuseppe D'Onofrio 5th Dan and our Club Chief Instructor Sensei Glyn Morgan 5th Dan. Pictured are some of the Bournemouth Club members, with Sensei D'Onofrio, who took part. Well done to all!

Well done Miron!

1st Dan Black Belt!

Congratulations goes to Miron Wozniak. A great achievement!

Passed 1st Dan at Guildford Spectrum under Sensei Yoshinobu Ohta 7th DAN JKA, Sensei Gary Stewart 6th Dan JKA and Sensei Adel Ismail 6th Dan JKA on Sunday 27.02.2022.

Miron started to train karate when he was 5 years old, always together with his parents Mark & Ella at every training session. Well done!

Miron and Sensei Ohta

Grading Success      02.10.2021

An excellent training Course & Kyu Grading was held on Saturday 2nd October at the IBM Centre Hursley. Training and grading was carried out by the JKA England Chief Instructor Sensei Ohta 7th Dan and our Club Chief Instructor Sensei Glyn Morgan 5th Dan. Pictured above are some of the Club members and Instructors who took part. 

Well done to Barney, Steve, Bruno from Wareham and all the children from the Bournemouth Club who passed their respective grades!

Sensei Glyn & Barney 3rd Kyu!

Well done Bruno!

Double grading pass!

Bournemouth Assistant Instructor Ella with Sensei Ohta looking on.

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of club member Robert Weekes.

Bob sadly passed away on Thursday 4th February 2021.

A year ago Bob unfortunately had a heart attack whilst cycling and as a result sustained a brain injury causing him to need care.

Last month his condition worsened and finally after contracting the Covid virus he succumbed to it all. He will be greatly missed.

Bob was a long standing member of our club, regularly training whenever his work shifts allowed.

He first joined as a white belt back in 1984. He always trained extremely hard at the club and also elsewhere especially during the Poole park runs which he loved to do.

Bob was especially skilled at Kumite (sparring) competing at a national level with success.

Bob worked his way steadily up the karate grades gaining his First Dan Black Belt in December 2009 following an examination by the JKA England Chief Instructor Sensei Ohta 7th Dan.

In March 2011 he gained his Coaching Licence after passing the exam at a training course at Bath University.

Bob's strong training spirit and brilliant sense of humour will be greatly missed.

Bob in action during a Karate Demonstration

Bob back in 1984 as a White Belt

(bottom left)

Congratulations Ella!      23.02.2020

Gold Medal Winner!           07.12.2019

Congratulations to Elzbieta (Ella) Wozniak who passed her Shodan (1st DAN) at the recent National Training Course & Dan Grading At Orpington on 23rd February, an excellent first attempt success! Very well done Ella!

Ella is pictured with Club Chief Instructor Sensei Glyn Morgan 5th Dan.

National Championships Gold Medal Winner!!

Congratulations goes to Barney Walker for winning first place for sparring (Male Kihon Ippon Kumite) at the JKA Open National Championships on Saturday December 7th 2019. Fantastic!!

Well Done Paul!                 21.07.2019

Grading Success             15.09.2019

A great training Course & Kyu Grading was held on Sunday 15th September at the IBM Centre Hursley. Pictured above are some of the Wareham Club members with Instructors Malcolm Compton (IBM) and Ralph Johnson (Glastonbury) and the 5th Dan Course Instructors & Examiners Sensei Glyn Morgan and Sensei Spiros Ventouras.

Well done to Barney and Steve who passed their respective grades!

Congratulations goes to Club Instructor Paul White who passed his Sandan (3rd DAN) at the JKA England & Wales National Course at the Abergavenny Leisure Centre, Wales. A long way to travel but well worth it! A well deserved grade, proving hard and dedicated training pays off! Well done Paul!

The Course Instructor and Examiner was JKA England & Wales Chief Instructor Sensei Ohta 7th DAN.

National Spring Course                                                                           3.05.2019

Pictured above are club members (back row) who attended the recent National Spring Course at the K2 Centre Crawley. Training was over four days 3rd to 6th May covering all aspects of Kihon, Kata & Kumite.

International Instructors (front row from left to right) were Sensei Ohta 7th Dan, Gneo 7th Dan, Sensei Ogura 8th Dan, Sensei Ogane 3rd Dan & Sensei Sawada 7th Dan.

Great Progress!                                      23.03.2019

Kyu Grading Success at the March Training Course and Kyu Grading held at Hursley with Sensei Ohta and Sensei Morgan.

Well Done Miron(2nd Kyu) Ella(2nd Kyu) and Barney(6th Kyu)!

Success!!                                                    02.12.2018

Congratulation to Club Instructor Trevor Van de Velde Smith who passed his Yondan (4th Dan) and also to Marek (Mark) Wozniak who, at his first attempt, passed his Shodan (1st Dan) at the recent 3 day JKA England International Course at the K2 Crawley. Fantastic! Well done!!

Congratulations Karl!                          24.02.2019

Congratulations goes to Karl Thompson who passed his Shodan (1st DAN) at the recent National Training Course & Dan Grading At the Basildon Sporting Village on 24th February, another brilliant first attempt success! Very well done Karl!

Pictured below are the Instructors and students from Wareham & Purbeck Club who attended the International course with International Instructors and Grading Examiners Sensei Ohta 7th Dan, Sensei Imamura 7th Dan and Sensei Hanzaki 7th Dan

Special mention must go to Elzbieta (Ella) and Miron Wozniak who both did extremely well when they competed at the JKA England Open Championships at the K2 Sports Centre Crawley on November 3rd. Miron achieved 2nd place in Kata and 3rd in Kumite and Ella achieved 3rd in Kumite. Brilliant!!

Congratulations goes to Trevor Davenport who passed his Shodan (1st DAN) at the 4 Day JKA England International Course at the K2 Sports Centre Crawley. Another brilliant first attempt success! Well done Trevor!

The examination panel consisted of Sensei's Imura 8th Dan; Kobayashi 7th Dan; Sawada 7th Dan and Ohta 7th DAN.

Well Done Ania!                                     25.02.2018

Well Done Trevor!                                06.05.2018

Miron & Ella             03.11.2018

Standing at the back (left to right) are Paul White, Miron Wozniak, Elzbieta Wozniak, Glyn Morgan, Trevor Van de Velde Smith and Mark Wozniak. Sitting at the front (left to right) are Sensei Ohta, Sensei Imamura and Sensei Hanzaki.

Congratulations Paul!                          30.11.2013

Congratulations goes to Paul White who passed his Nidan (2nd Dan) at Bath University Course on 30th November, a well deserved success. Paul showed great determination to complete the grading due to injuring his big toe during the kumite (sparring) part of the grading, which was later found to be broken! Well done Paul, get well soon!

Congratulations goes to Ania Hill who passed her Shodan (1st DAN) at the recent Newark All Grades Course & Dan Grading on 25th February, a brilliant first attempt success! Well done Ania!

The examination panel consisted of Sensei's Ohta 7th DAN; Ismail 6th DAN; Stewart 6th DAN and Tomlin 6th DAN.

Ania, pictured above with Instructor Sensei Glyn Morgan 5th DAN, showed a lot of determination to achieve her grading by travelling over 400 miles to reach the venue, very tiring but well worth it!

Hard training Pays Off!                       19.02.2012

Congratulations goes to Manny Perez-Alvarez who passed his 2nd Dan at the Bath Sports & Leisure Centre on Sunday 19th February. Grading Examiners were JKAE Chief Instructor Sensei Ohta and Sensei Ismail.
Manny's dedication to putting in the extra hours of practice inside and outside of the dojo over the many months has certainly paid off. Not bad for 66 years of age! A great achievement and a real inspiration to others! well done Manny!

Chief Instructor Sensei Glyn Morgan has just returned from an 8 day training trip to Japan!

Here are Sensei Glyn's Notes on the visit:

I met up with Mick from the north, Joe from Reading, and Martin from south London at Heathrow on Monday 8th April for our trip to Japan to train and take examinations at the JKA Headquarters.
I was feeling apprehensive, nervous, and excited all at the same time! Apart from Martin this was our first visit to Japan.
We arrived in Tokyo on Tuesday morning and were at our hotel after just a 1hr journey on the train and a short taxi ride. The first thing I noticed in Tokyo was how clean it is! No litter, no smoking on the street, no graffiti, and everyone wearing suits heading to and from work.
After settling in we walked 15 Min's to the JKA Honbu (Headquarters) to see the training time table for that day, and although some sleep would have gone down well we decided to join the evening session with Okuma sensei.
To enter the Honbu dojo for the first time is a experience in itself; humbling and exciting! The training was on the 3rd floor matted dojo, and counting the four of us the class contained about 15 students. Okuma's lesson focused on how to make explosive technique, followed by Jitte kata. A fantastic lesson, we were buzzing!!
The next day, following a bit of a walk around the local area, we decided to go to two lessons, Izumiya sensei first and then Hirayama sensei. We thought afterwards perhaps we had over done it as Hirayama's class was kumite and more kumite!
These lessons, before the official course started, were fantastic because you were training alongside Japanese students who just happened to want to be there for those particular lessons and so the class size was in fact quite small, just like at home in your own dojo.
On day 3 the official course started. After registration at 8am, and following an opening talk by the chairman, the lessons began. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Dans on one floor, 5th Dans on another, and 6th Dan and above on another.
Each lesson was generally structured on the "JKA" way and also towards the up-and-coming examinations. On my floor (5th Dans) one sensei taught the class, and then another sensei was positioned in each of the four corners watching us, so no chance of any resting!
It was a nice treat on the way back from training to call in at Starbucks for a coffee to relax and have a chat about our experiences during these hard lessons.
In the evening we went to the nearby "English Pub" for a few beers. Quite often the Japanese sensei's from the Honbu would be there having a few drinks with the foreign instructors they have got to know.
Mick from the north was attempting a 4th Dan grading and his examiners 'D' licence. He passed both! a proud moment for him. Joe passed two 'C's and a 'D', Martin passed 'C' and I passed 'D' Examiner and 'C' Instructor.
On the next day students from various universities were asked to attend and fight one another to give the Referee's some extra practice. These young students were extremely sharp, fast and perfectly controlled. Very nice to see.
We were lucky in that Martin knew a couple of friends called 'Tommo' and 'Mr Japan' who both train regularly at the Honbu. They first took us site-seeing and then on to a traditional Japanese restaurant. Mr Japan was a real character! calling Mick 'Mr Lincoln', Joe 'Mr Oxford, Martin 'Mr London' and me 'Mr Portsmouth' (the only place he had heard of south of London!!)
On the last day we met up with Ohta sensei and went to Sensei Enoeda's memorial where Mrs Eneoda was waiting for us. We all gave our respects to Eneoda sensei on this 10 yr anniversary, this was very very humbling.
After 8 days we headed for home. What a fantastic experience and this has been!
This has only been a brief recollection of my time in Japan. I am sure Mick, Joe, and Martin will have lots more memories that they can share too!

Glyn Morgan 5th Dan JKAE


Rob Sampson & Sensei Morgan

Our club Chief Instructor Sensei Glyn Morgan was recently presented with a Valedictory medal and certificate in recognition of all the rescues he was involved in during his 22 years of service with Her Majesty's Coastguard (H.M.C.G.). CONGRATULATIONS!

Photo: Regional Coastguard officer Rob Sampson with Sensei Morgan:

'Dreams Come True' Charity - 2011

Sensei Tanaka 8th Dan Vice Chief Instructor of the JKA presenting Sensei Morgan with the certificate

At the 2011 European Championships a massive cheque for £9,000 was presented to the 'Dreams Come True' charity by sensei Ohta. A further £2,000 was added to this from money that had still to be collected. A total of £11,000, fantastic. Thanks again to all who helped with this. At the Spring Course held at Guildford Sensei Morgan was presented with a certificate in recognition of the money raised by The Wareham & Purbeck club.

Photo above: Sensei Tanaka 8th Dan Vice Chief Instructor of the JKA presenting Sensei Morgan with the certificate:

Photo's and articles of interest from the past!